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Dennis, MA




4,385 SF



Located along with the Old King’s Highway Historic District on Cape Cod, this project is both a partial renovation and ground-up modern addition. The clients required additional living space yet hoped to maintain the original building's charm with its wide-plank floors and pocket window shutters. An existing foundation on the property had historically been part of the home’s original barn but was now all that remained of the structure. Taking inspiration from the barn foundation, a new adjacent barn structure was designed with lofty interiors to accommodate open living spaces. An entry hall was created to join the old and new and establish an entry point for the modernized home. The increased space afforded by the addition allowed for a reorganization of the original interior, creating a more fluid connection between the two. While the new barn hosted more public living areas, space was freed in the original house for additional bedrooms and bathrooms. On the first floor, the addition features open entertaining space, with a modern kitchen adjoining the living room. Above on the second floor, a new master suite overlooks the rear of the property. Traces of an old demolished barn remain visible via an old fieldstone foundation, re-purposed as a retaining wall, leading to the new pool.

The project received the 2017 Historic Preservation Award from the Dennis Historical Commission.

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